best affordable robot vacuum

The 5 Best Affordable Robot Vacuum for Small Space

The days of using traditional vacuum cleaners or manually cleaning your carpet or hardwood floor are long gone. Robot vacuums have taken over thanks to their convenience and improved performance. However, there are many brands, and it can be challenging to spot the right one. To help you out, we review the best affordable robot vacuum for small spaces. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Choose the Best Affordable Robot Vacuum for Small Spaces

  • Know the square footage of your house or room. If you want a vacuum that will cover your entire home, get one with longer battery life, self-charging capabilities, and a larger dust collection bin.
  • Versatility. A robot vacuum that cleans different floors and carpets is better than one suited for specific floors. Make sure that it can seamlessly transit from one floor to another without losing suction. In addition, get a vacuum cleaner that’ll be more efficient at picking pet hair, especially when you have pets.
  • Smart capabilities such as in-app control and the ability to connect to WiFi is also beneficial as you can control your vacuum remotely. 

Compare Best Small Robot Vacuums

ILIFE A4s Robot Vacuum
  • Dimensions: 12.99"L x 12.6"W x 2.99"H
  • Special Feature: Self-charging, Remote Control, deep clean on thin carpet
  • Voltage: 14.4 Volts
  • Battery Life: 120 minutes
  • Roborock S6 Robot Vacuum and Mop
  • Dimensions: 13.9"L x 13.78"W x 3.78"H
  • Special Feature: Lidar navigation, Long battery life, Sequence cleaning, Intense suction
  • Voltage: N/A
  • Battery Life: 180 minutes
  • iRobot 650 Robot Vacuum
  • Dimensions: 13.4"L x 3.6"H x 13.4"W
  • Special Feature: Scheduling, Powerful performance, Thorough coverage
  • Voltage: 14.4 Volts
  • Battery Life: 60 minutes
  • WYZE Robot Vacuum
  • Dimensions: 13.8"L x 3.7"W x 13.8"H
  • Special Feature: Cordless
  • Voltage: 14.4 Volts
  • Battery Life: 110 minutes
  • Roborock E4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner
  • Dimensions: 13.8"L x 13.7"W x 3.6"H
  • Special Feature: Oversize dustbin, 2152sqft/200mins one charge, OpticEye Navigation
  • Voltage: 240 Volts
  • Battery Life: 200 minutes

  • Our Recommendation on Buying Best Affordable Robot Vacuum

    When it comes to keeping small rooms clean with minimal effort, the right robot vacuum can be a game-changer. Here’s how the listed options stack up:

    1. Roborock S6 Robot Vacuum and Mop: This device leads the pack with its dual vacuuming and mopping capabilities, smart navigation, and powerful suction. It’s a versatile choice for those who want a thorough clean on a variety of surfaces.
    2. iRobot 650 Robot Vacuum: A strong contender known for its durability and excellent performance on carpets. Its dirt-detection technology and scheduling features make it a reliable choice for daily upkeep.
    3. Roborock E4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner: With its optimal navigation system and strong suction power, this model is efficient for small spaces, offering great value for its features.
    4. WYZE Robot Vacuum: This vacuum stands out with its LiDAR mapping technology at a more affordable price point, making it a smart choice for budget-conscious consumers looking for advanced features.
    5. ILIFE A4s Robot Vacuum: Though it may not have the mapping capabilities of the others, its compact design and solid performance on low-pile carpets and hard floors make it an excellent option for small spaces.

    Considering all factors, the Roborock S6 emerges as the best overall due to its comprehensive set of features that cater to a variety of cleaning needs in small rooms.

    5 Best Space Saving Robot Affordable Vacuums

    1. ILIFE A4s Robot Vacuum 

    • The bot is pretty affordable.
    • Cleans both bare floor and carpet effectively.
    • It has a low-profile design, thereby allowing it to clean under furniture and beds.
    • It doesn’t bump into wide solid objects and walls.
    • It has an anti-collision system to prevent it from falling or ramming into obstacles.
    • Can clean up to 200sq centimeters when fully charged.
    • Effective in cleaning pet dander and dust.
    • Auto-scheduling feature allows you to clean your home at set times.
    • It lacks a virtual wall.
    • Can bump into furniture legs.
    • Lacks advanced features.

    The ILIFE robot vacuum offers a 3-step cleaning method to clean all the dirt embedded on your flooring. It has an electrical motor that picks dirt conveniently and effectively. In addition, it can return to its docking station once its battery runs low.

    Also, this robot vacuum has an auto-schedule feature that allows you to set the time when you want it to start cleaning job.

    In terms of appearance, the ILIFE A4s Robot Vacuum has a low-profile body making it easier to fit under chairs, sofas, and beds. In addition, it has advanced sensors that enable it to avoid obstacles and staircases. This bot can clean your home for up to two hours before it needs a recharge.

    Although pretty affordable, this robot vacuum has advanced features and great functionality and thus offers good value for your money.

    The unique bot runs quietly, although you’ll hear some sound when on high max settings. This unit has enhanced sucking abilities and thus can be used when the room is quite dirty.

    You don’t have to learn how to use this bot as all you need is to push the “clean” button, and it’ll start cleaning your floors. Ensure to empty its bin after several cleaning rounds and make sure there’s nothing stuck under its body.

    Also, before cleaning, make sure there are no obstacles on the floor as this may interfere with its movement. The robot cleaner is very effective in collecting dust, hair, and dirt. It does a great job in sucking pet dander and dirt around the corners of your house, especially when edge cleaning mode is activated.

    2. Roborock S6 Robot Vacuum and Mop

    • Multi-floor mopping.
    • It has a powerful suction.
    • Great battery life.
    • It’s a hybrid vacuum cleaner and mop.
    • Quite pricey.

    If you’re looking for a robot vacuum that can also double as a mop, the Roborock S6 Pure fits the bill. Not only does this hybrid Roborock robot vacuum have a powerful suction but also no-go zones features. It uses LiDAR for accurate navigation and a Z-shape cleaning route to allow you to create no-go zones for different floors in your house.

    This bot vac allows for control using its companion app and voice assistant (Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. You can also instruct the S6 to clean specific rooms or even schedule it to clean at specified times. Its 5200mAh battery can last for up to three hours when fully charged, quietly cleaning up to 2100 square feet.

    The Roborock S6 has a strong 2000Pa suction that automatically boosts its suction power whenever there’s a need for deeper cleaning.

    Do you have hardwood floors that need mopping? No worries, as this bot has a 180ml water tank that can mop up to 1610 square feet. It has a Quiet Mode option making it ideal for night cleaning.

    3. iRobot 650 Robot Vacuum

    • Works well on any floor, including hardwood, laminate, carpet, and tile.
    • It’s backed with a one-year warranty.
    • Designed to pick pet hairs with ease.
    • Easy to use.
    • Pretty affordable.
    • Scheduling options to allow you to schedule up to seven cleaning sessions.
    • A virtual wall to prevent the bot from going off-limit.
    • It has a cliff sensor to prevent it from falling off stairs.
    • Lacks WI-FI/Bluetooth connectivity.
    • A bit noisy.

    If you have pets, this is the perfect robot vacuum cleaner for you. It’s specifically designed to remove hair and pet dander. While other robot cleaners can get clogged due to an influx of pet hair, this one can’t. It has specially designed powerful suction and brushes, enabling it to clean your floor effectively. While the iRobot 650 is an older version of the Roomba series, it suits pet owners.

    This iRobot 650 can clean carpets, hardwood, tile, and laminate floors. It has seven pre-set cleanings to allow you to set the time you’d want this bot to start cleaning. It also has a spot-cleaning feature to work on stains.

    In addition, it comes with a virtual auto wall for setting off-limit areas, an extra AeroVac filter, a self-charging base, and a battery charger.

    The Roomba 650 has a 3-stage cleaning system to pick up pet dander, debris, and dirt. It starts by loosening debris, then sucks it up and dries the area before moving on to the next spot.

    The iRobot 650 Vacuum has advanced sensors to target dirtier areas, which this bot spends more time cleaning. By spending more time cleaning more soiled areas, you end up having uniformly cleaned floors.

    Besides, this bot cleaner has a scheduler feature, which allows you to schedule the device to clean for up to seven sessions. Programming the time and date for cleaning this device is not complex. You have to press the large button on this unit’s topside – once it turns green, you know that the device is ready to start cleaning. The yellow indicator signifies that the battery is getting low; red is when the battery is extremely low.

    The bot has a return-to-base feature that allows it to return to the base for recharging and storage. It also has patented AeroVac technology that offers whirling brushes that loosen the dirt to enable this robot vacuum to suck the debris.

    4. WYZE Robot Vacuum

    • Pretty affordable.
    • Decent battery life.
    • Supports no-go zones.
    • Operate quietly.
    • Has no multi-level mapping.
    • Lacks voice assistant support.

    Robot vacuums can indeed be pretty expensive, but this doesn’t mean that if you’re on a tight budget, you can’t find a quality product. The WYZE Robot Vacuum is an impressive robot vacuum packed with commendable features, all at budget-friendly prices. This robot vacuum has seven sensors to map your home, navigate the right cleaning path, and detect stairs and obstacles.

    There’s also a WYZE companion app that you can use to create no-go zones for your vacuum and map specific rooms in your house. The vac has 2100 Pa of suction power, which is enough to handle dirt, pet hair, and gunk in your carpets.

    It has three modes – strong, standard, and quiet. These give you control over noise and levels of cleaning. This vac can run for up to 110 minutes and return to its dock whenever power runs low.

    One major shortcoming of this bot is that it doesn’t have a multi-level mapping feature, making it not ideal for people with split-level homes.

    5. Roborock E4 Mop Robot Vacuum Mop Cleaner

    • Effective Cleaning.
    • Long-Lasting Battery.
    • App and Voice Control.
    • Automatic Top-Up Charging.
    • Quite pricey..

    It’s annoying to have a noisy device in the house, which is why many people will be looking at robotic vacuums that are quiet to allow one to watch TV or even sleep as the bot does its work. However, to enjoy these perks, you’ll need a vacuum that doesn’t make noise, and this is where Roborock E4 comes in.

    This model efficiently cleans dirty carpets and does this in a quiet setting when operating in a Quiet Mode setting.

    This Roborock e4 mop robot vacuum mop cleaner cleans carpets and hardwood thoroughly and can run for up to 200 minutes. If it runs low on battery when cleaning, the vacuum cleaner returns to its base on its own for recharge.  It can easily climb over doorways and has an app where you can choose different settings for carpets.

    If you’re looking for an efficient, powerful robotic vacuum to clean your carpet and home, the E4 will make a perfect choice. It does an excellent job of picking up dirt and hair from both carpets and hardwood floors.

    We’ve come to the end of our best affordable robot vacuum guide, and we do hope it has helped you pick the right choice.

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    Hi! I'm Edmundas, a devoted minimalist and expert in making the most out of small spaces. Through years of experience in interior design and innovative space-saving solutions, I've mastered the art of transforming compact areas into functional, stylish havens. Here at GotinySpace, I share my insights and tips to help you embrace a simpler, more organized lifestyle. Join me on this journey to discover how less can indeed be more.