how to decorate floating shelves in kitchen

15 Ideas on How to Decorate Floating Shelves in the Kitchen

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Floating shelves are a great way to add storage and style to your small kitchen. They can transform a plain wall into a lively and practical space that’s not only functional but also visually striking. If you’re curious about how to decorate floating shelves in the kitchen, I’ve got my favourite 15 inspiring ideas for you. Let’s explore how to make your kitchen pop with style while keeping it organized and inviting!

How to Decorate Floating Shelves in Kitchen

1. Spice Collection

Spice Collection on floating shelves

If you love experimenting with flavors, why not proudly showcase your spice collection? Neatly arranging glass spice jars with uniform labels can create an organized and visually appealing spice rack. It not only helps you find what you need quickly but also gives your kitchen a touch of gourmet sophistication. Choose jars with airtight seals to keep spices fresh, and arrange them in alphabetical order or by usage frequency for easy access.

2. Dishware Display

Dishware on kitchen floating shelves

Are your dishes hiding in a cabinet? Let them shine! Arrange your best dishes, bowls, or cups by color or style on floating shelves for an artistic and functional display. This setup allows you to effortlessly reach for your favorite pieces while adding a splash of color to the kitchen. If you’re a fan of vintage or unique dishware, this is your chance to show off your collection and make it a focal point of your cooking space.

3. Cookbook Stand

cookbooks on kitchen shelves

Cooking becomes easier when you have your favorite recipes at your fingertips. Prop up your go-to cookbooks on floating shelves to create an organized and inspiring kitchen library. For an extra touch of charm, use a bookend or a small stand to keep them upright and accessible. This setup adds a homey vibe to your space, and you can easily swap books based on your latest cooking interests.

4. Potted Herbs

Potted Herbs on a shelves

Nothing beats fresh herbs when you’re whipping up your favorite dish. Add small potted herbs like basil, mint, or rosemary to your floating shelves for a burst of greenery and aroma. Not only do they offer a farm-to-table freshness, but they also infuse your kitchen with delightful scents. Choose compact pots or planters that complement the overall aesthetic, and ensure they get plenty of sunlight.

5. Vintage Jars

Vintage Jars on floating shelves

Go for a rustic, old-world pantry look by filling vintage glass jars with dry goods like pasta, grains, or snacks. This approach marries practicality with aesthetic appeal, providing storage that looks and feels charming. The transparent jars let you see what’s inside, making it easy to grab what you need while adding a classic touch to your kitchen decor.

6. Decorative Plates

If you’ve got unique or decorative plates, why keep them in storage? Mount or lean them against the wall on floating shelves for an elegant, eye-catching touch. You can arrange plates by color, size, or pattern to create an eclectic display that showcases your personal style. It’s an easy way to bring sophistication and art into your everyday kitchen experience.

7. Kitchen Art

decorative floating shelves

Personalize your kitchen by incorporating small, framed kitchen-themed prints or inspiring quotes onto your floating shelves. Whether you love foodie humor or cool illustrations, art adds personality and creativity to your cooking space. Keep things cohesive by choosing frames that match your kitchen’s existing decor or adding a pop of color that contrasts nicely with your walls.

8. Cutting Board Collection

cutting boards

Wooden cutting boards are not just functional—they’re also beautiful! Arrange cutting boards of different sizes and materials for a warm and natural vibe on your floating shelves. Lean them against the wall or stack them for a layered, rustic look. This setup provides easy access to your cutting boards and adds a cozy, farmhouse feel to your kitchen.

9. Ceramic Vases

Ceramic Vases on floating shelves

Elevate your kitchen’s style by adding ceramic vases with dried flowers or faux greenery. The combination of textures and colors provides contrast to your shelves, creating a balanced and welcoming ambiance. Choose vases that vary in size and shape to add depth, and consider seasonal florals for a fresh, year-round aesthetic.

10. Tea or Coffee Station

tea and coffee collection on floating shelves

Set up a tea or coffee station on your floating shelves for a delightful morning routine. Arrange your favorite mugs, tea bags, and coffee beans alongside a French press or pour-over setup. This nook will give your kitchen a cozy and practical feel, making it the perfect spot to kick-start your day or relax with an afternoon brew.

11. Baskets or Bins

wicker baskets floating shelves decor

Add wicker baskets or storage bins to your shelves for a bit of extra organization. They’re great for stashing kitchen essentials like napkins, cloths, or even fresh produce. This idea not only keeps things neat and tidy but also lends a warm and inviting look to the kitchen.

12. Seasonal Decor

christmas floating shelves decor
halloween floating shelves decor

Keep your kitchen decor lively and fresh by incorporating seasonal decorations. Rotate small decorations like miniature pumpkins, pinecones, or holiday ornaments to match the season or upcoming festivities. This simple yet effective strategy ensures that your floating shelves always have a fresh look, and it brings a festive spirit into your kitchen.

13. Glassware Showcase

wine glasses on floating shelves kitchen

Showcase your best wine glasses, cocktail tumblers, or other drinkware to make entertaining guests a breeze. Group your glassware together by type or color to create a cohesive and elegant look on your floating shelves. This setup not only makes it easy to grab your favorite drinkware for parties but also adds a touch of sophistication. Check out this wall mounted wine rack.

14. Oil and Vinegar Set

Oil and Vinegar Set in kitchen shelves

Group decorative bottles of olive oil, vinegar, or flavored infusions for a practical yet stylish display. Choose beautifully shaped bottles with elegant labels to add visual interest and sophistication. A stylish oil and vinegar set can give your kitchen a Mediterranean flair while keeping your essential cooking ingredients within arm’s reach.

15. Personal Keepsakes

family photos on floating shelves kitchen

Finally, my favourite, include small mementos like family photos, recipe cards, or travel souvenirs to give your shelves a personal and inviting touch. Whether it’s your grandmother’s cookie recipe or a postcard from your favorite vacation spot, these keepsakes can make your kitchen feel uniquely yours.


Floating shelves open up so many creative possibilities for your kitchen. Experiment with these 15 ideas on how to decorate floating shelves in the kitchen and customize them to fit your personal taste. Not only will you create a more functional and stylish space, but you’ll also enjoy a kitchen that feels truly yours!

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Hi! I'm Edmundas, a devoted minimalist and expert in making the most out of small spaces. Through years of experience in interior design and innovative space-saving solutions, I've mastered the art of transforming compact areas into functional, stylish havens. Here at GotinySpace, I share my insights and tips to help you embrace a simpler, more organized lifestyle. Join me on this journey to discover how less can indeed be more.