small space yarn storage solutions

Small Space Yarn Storage Solutions: Organize Your Crafting Haven

Crafting can be a fulfilling and creative hobby, but for those with limited space, it often becomes a challenge to manage supplies efficiently. If you’re an avid yarn enthusiast, you know the importance of keeping your yarn organized and accessible. In this blog post, we will explore smart and practical small space yarn storage solutions to help you maximize your crafting space and keep your yarn stash tidy and inspiring.

10 Yarn Storage Solutions

1. Utilize Wall Space

One of the most underutilized spaces in any room is the walls. Wall-mounted storage solutions can work wonders in a small crafting area. Consider installing pegboards, floating shelves, or wall-mounted baskets to store your yarn. These options keep your yarn visible and easily accessible while also adding a decorative element to your space.

wall shelves for yarn
yarn solution
yarn in closet

2. Clear Plastic Containers

Clear plastic containers are a go-to solution for many crafters. They allow you to see the colors and types of yarn you have at a glance. Opt for stackable containers to save space. Label each container with the yarn’s brand, color, and weight to make finding the right yarn for your project a breeze.

yarn in plastic clear container

3. Under-Bed Storage

If you’re short on floor space, under-bed storage can be a game-changer. Invest in shallow, clear plastic bins that can easily slide under your bed. These bins are perfect for storing yarn skeins, project bags, and other crafting essentials. Plus, they keep your yarn dust-free and organized.

under bed plastic bin

4. Cubby Shelves

Cubby shelves are versatile and come in various sizes to fit your space. These shelves can be used to store yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, and pattern books. Use fabric bins or baskets within the cubbies to keep your yarn stash neat and tidy.

Cubby Shelves for yarn
Cubby Shelves for yarn

5. Over-the-Door Shoe Organizer

Over-the-door shoe organizers are not just for shoes! They work exceptionally well for storing yarn. Hang one on the back of a closet or craft room door and fill each pocket with a different yarn skein. This method keeps your yarn separated and prevents tangles.

over door yarn storage

6. Repurpose Furniture

Get creative with your furniture choices. Vintage cabinets, bookshelves, and sideboards can all be repurposed into yarn storage. Consider adding hooks, rods, or tension rods to these pieces to accommodate your yarn collection.

yarn in shelves

7. Travel Organizers

Travel organizers, like those used for jewelry or toiletries, are perfect for keeping small amounts of yarn organized. Sort your yarn by color or project and store them in these compact organizers. They’re great for crafting on the go too.

yarn organization

8. Yarn Carts

Yarn carts are designed with crafters in mind. These mobile storage solutions often come with compartments and drawers for yarn, tools, and accessories. With wheels for easy movement, you can craft anywhere in your home.

yarn black cart

9. Hanging Baskets

If floor space is a premium, look up! Hanging baskets or tiered fruit baskets can be hung from the ceiling or on hooks on the wall. They provide ample storage for yarn and add a touch of whimsy to your crafting space.

hanging baskets for yarn

10. Yarn Dispensers

Yarn dispensers are designed to keep your working yarn clean and tangle-free while you crochet or knit. They come in various styles, from simple wooden bowls to more intricate ceramic designs.

Yarn dispensers


With these small space yarn storage solutions, you can turn even the tiniest crafting corner into an organized and inspiring workspace. The key is to think vertically, repurpose furniture, and make the most of every inch of space available. Keep your yarn stash tidy and accessible, so you can focus on what you love most—creating beautiful and cozy projects. Happy crafting!

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Hi! I'm Edmundas, a devoted minimalist and expert in making the most out of small spaces. Through years of experience in interior design and innovative space-saving solutions, I've mastered the art of transforming compact areas into functional, stylish havens. Here at GotinySpace, I share my insights and tips to help you embrace a simpler, more organized lifestyle. Join me on this journey to discover how less can indeed be more.